01 June 2007

Back to the track…..Advances in Equine Stem Cell Therapy

“Bowed Tendons” are an important cause of wastage in racehorses. Many horses are retired or destroyed because conventional treatment is slow and often unsuccessful. Treatment fails because the tendon heals with scar tissue which decreases its strength. Consequently, the tendon can not withstand the stress of racing.

So how, in the 21st century, is this loss being addressed?

The latest treatment available is implantation of stem cells into the injured tendon. Stem cells have been a source of controversy for decades. There are many ethical concerns regarding the use of embryonic stem cells. However, the stem cells used in this case are derived from the bone marrow of adult horses, eliminating this concern.

The stem cells are collected from the bone marrow from the sternum with a large needle (figure 1).

Figure 1: Collection of bone marrow
Source: Randwick Equine Centre

The bone marrow is sent to a specialised laboratory and the stem cells are multiplied until millions of cells are produced. These cells are then injected into the injured tendon under ultrasound guidance (figures 2a and 2b).

Figures 2a and 2b: The tear in the tendon is being filled with stem cells
Source: Redlands Veterinary Clinic

Injection of stem cells into the injured tendon encourages regeneration of tendon cells rather then formation of the weaker scar tissue.

This technology is still in the early stages, however, expensive, further success should make stem cell therapy an integral part in sending racehorses ‘back to the track’.

Published by: Anna Katria Lovell
Student Number: 40795768

Primary References:

O’Sullivan, C. 2005 “ Stem Cells”, Racetrack: July/August, pp 68 – 70, URL: http://randwickequine.com.au/services/stem_cell_therapy (Date Accessed 24 May, 2007)

Randwick Equine Centre, 2004, “Stem Cell Therapy”,
URL: http://randwickequine.com.au/services/stem_cell_therapy (Date Accessed 24 May, 2007)

Vet-Stem Inc., 2004 “Regenerative Veterinary Medicine”,URL: http://www.vet-stem.com/index.php?subPageN=&mainPageN=Home&UprPageN=vetstem (Date Accessed 24 May, 2007)

Secondary References:

Case studies: Performance Horse Results
Stem Cell Therapy Slide show:

Additional Sites of Interest:
