01 June 2007

A Gem is Born!!

A Gem was born on May 4, 2003! Idaho Gem a cloned mule, the result of somatic cell nuclear transfer reproductive cloning is the first member of the horse family, and also the first hybrid animal to be cloned.

The process of cloning is a difficult task, and has an 80% failure rate! This in mind researchers from The University of Idaho and Utah State University began work on cloning a mule in 1998. Nuclei DNA from Taz a prize mule racer was used, after 3 years and 134 attempts only two pregnancies were produced unsuccessfully. The research team decided to play around with calcium levels within fluid surrounding the eggs. By raising calcium levels pregnancy rates increased to 14 in 113 attempts, eight lasted till heartbeats were recognized, and 3 made it to birth. Idaho Gem the first, Utah Pioneer the second, and Idaho Star the third, born healthy!

Problems in previously cloned animals don’t seem to be presenting in Idaho Gem and his siblings to date. Idaho Gem is racing with a vengeance placing first twice, second twice, third, and forth in his first six races. Idaho Star is pursuing a racing career, and Utah Pioneer is living the life on the road entertaining and marvelling science show audiences around America.

As cloning efficiency increases this may be a tool in preserving champion genetics in the future, as most hybrid mules are sterile, great race and equestrian horses gelded, and in-vitro fertilization unsuccessful within the horse family!

Idaho Gem, left, races June 4,2006. Winnemucca, Nev.

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Created by: Dana Nykolyn