01 June 2007

One of the greatest developed countries “Korea” in terms of cloning

Name : Min –Kyu Park

Student number : 41365663

Topic : one of the greatest developed countries “Korea” in terms of cloning

Recently Korea is one of the greatest in terms of cloning skill and cloning technique will bring a lot of advantages to human such as problem of famine and changing cancer organ. Two biochemical scientists can be suggested. They are professor Hwang Woo-Suk in Seoul National University and Dr Park Kwang-Wook at MGenbio.

Professor Hwang Woo-Suk is one of the greatest expert for stem cell and they had tried to create human embryonic stem cells by cloning. However, it is one of the controversial issues because it is believed that his achievements was fake and lie but it is clear that his cloning skill was great. In order to create human embryonic stem cell, he used the same procedure which was used to create Dolly the sheep. Firstly, they take egg from donor. After that the nucleus of egg is removed then this egg will be combined with cloning subject’s cell by electricity. If this procedure is succeed mother will have baby which is exactly same as mother. However, procedure is very difficult to be successful; success rate is around one out of 100 embryos.

Dr Park Kwang-Wook at MGenbio achieved great step to transplant pig organs into humans and they are the first team who made pig with human genes. They used method that clone pig by somatic cell and they put the human HLA-G gene into pig cell. After that the implanting cell will be put into the womb of a female pig. Finally, baby pigs will have HLA-G gene.

References list

Biopeer, Korean scientists clone pig with human gene, viewed 24 May 2007,

Wikipedia, Hwang Woo-Suk, viewed 25 May 2007,